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Using graphical user interfaces to improve the general intelligence factor






This paper describes the study conducted to evaluate the effects of graphical user interfaces within the general factor of intelligence users 14-65 years. In which four hundred forty subjects were divided into two groups: control (which I do not use a graphical user interface that will give you) and another pilot who used the GUI 2/OS. The general intelligence factor was evaluated quantitatively by using the scales of the Raven Progressive Matrices Test, Scale and Scale General Advanced Series II and qualitatively through in-depth interviews through the constant comparative method. Results allowed to make inferences about the significance of the increase in scores in the experimental group. Concluding that the presence of certain common graphic signs can enhance the learning of a new system, increasing the general factor of intelligence.



Keywords:  General Intelligence Factor; Graphical User Interface.





For years, technology has come to the human being's ability to improve their skills, and to provide better progress itself. But this progress, always had a biological impact on the user, because over a number of hours before a machine or computer, a connection between the machine and the person producing the same results as a result the appearance of tiredness because of a simple principle, the stimulus - response, where most stimulation increased tiredness, this can lead to detrimental cognitive ability of the individual. Therefore a greater amount of stimulus is likely to be a greater saturation of care, and thus lower the production staff.

The World Health Organization defines that "health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity" (World Health Organization [WHO], 1994). This makes it appropriate to prevent any alteration of the physical, mental and social well-being, which is undergoing the actual human being, who continually receives impacts of the external environment, to interact with different types of graphical user interfaces, which affect their labor, social and psychological functioning.

The statistics report that in the US the average person watching TV, video games and computers is 7.5 hours (Caspersen, Pereira, & Curran, 2000) this implies that a person goes about a third of your life in front of a graphical user interface. Which raises the question whether there is a relationship between the stimulus of these interfaces and the development of the general factor of intelligence.

Some researchers have raised the possibility that the general factor of intelligence can be changed during the life of a person. This applies to research conducted by the "Department of Psychology, University of Michigan and the Department of Psychology at the University of Bern" (Jaeggi, Buschkeuhl, Jonides, & Perrig, 2008) who carried out a work which suggests that at least on one aspect of a person's IQ can be improved by training a certain type of memory.

Likewise, another study by the Wellcome Trust (Price, 2004) conducted intelligence tests to a total of 33 healthy adolescents, 12 to 16 years, and four years later they repeated the same tests, confirming the existence of changes significant in IQ, with differences of up to 20 points from the opening shots. It was concluded that the natural plasticity of the brain allows the brain structure can be modified during adulthood, and consequently the general factor of intelligence.

Therefore, it can be said that one way to demonstrate the impact of graphic user interfaces is by the general factor of intelligence, as measured in stimulated through an interface that combines different visual aspects preexisting users, generating an adaptation that not clogging their learning, but should encourage the creation of new routes of synapses in their brains, thus evidencing a change in general intelligence factor, which may be measurable by the scale of the Progressive Matrices Test Raven.

This concludes a series of questions concerning the use of technology, graphical user interfaces, and applications with respect to the development of the general factor of intelligence. This has led to various investigations give different answers, some contradictory, some other verifiable, however the purpose of this paper will be to try to answer, or at least ask some questions that allow throwing ideas about what the impact of graphic user interfaces in general factor of intelligence users. No doubt the challenge is hard, but the psychological knowledge, especially the theories and instruments to cover the problem lie within the decision-limits to weigh out the research.


Objective of study


• Determine whether the daily use of the graphical user interface 2 / OS generates changes in the general factor of intelligence users.

• Knowing the difficulties that arise in the everyday use of new graphical user interfaces.

• Differentiate between the mean scores on the overall scale and advanced control and experimental group.

• Compare the mean scores on the overall scale of the control and experimental group.

• Describe the impact that graphical user interfaces in general factor of intelligence.






The study subjects are individuals aged 14 to 65, living in Argentina, in the province of Buenos Aires, in La Matanza, Ramos Mejía.


Analysis unit


Each of the individuals of 14-65 years.




The overall sample is composed of 440 individuals. Distributed four groups for comparison:


- 1 Group of 20 subjects aged 14 to 18 who used the GUI based on Ubuntu Linux 12.04.

- 1 Group of 20 subjects aged 14 to 18 who used the GUI based on Microsoft Windows.

- 1 Group of 200 subjects aged 18 to 65 who used the GUI-based interface 2/OS.

- 1 Group of 200 subjects aged 18 to 65 who used the GUI based on Microsoft Windows.


Research Methodology


The research methodology is part of the quantitative paradigm, performing an experimental design of four randomized groups with mean pretest and posttest.





Experimental work


To develop the study was used first, a graphical user interface based on Windows 8 in the control group, while employment experimental group the graphical user interface Linux Ubuntu 12.04, and in a second time the stimulus was modified in the experimental group using a graphical user designed from the data obtained by the first experiment interface.


Study Variables


The independent experimental variable considered in the study is the graphical user via software 2/OS, especially designed for the general factor stimulation of intelligence interface.

This software was designed and developed from the Linux operating system, and libraries freely available X11, GTK and WINE adapting its graphical user interface that had similar visual representations to Microsoft Windows 8, and even be compatible with this. The purpose of this task was to present a similar but not the same medium, which takes the user through a systematic desensitization learning a graphical environment based on Linux, and in this way succeed in obtaining new cognitive skills, increasing factor General intelligence through progressive skills training.

The graphical user interface 2/OS contains several modules, consisting of the desktop, the taskbar and the file manager. This provision is similar to the structure of a Windows environment, however, there is no main menu, it is replaced by the file manager, enabling the management and administration of programs and games directly.

The program has two modes of operation:

1. A method for assessing the general factor of intelligence.

2. A form of learning new technology skills.

The experimental dependent variable being studied is the following, the general factor of intelligence.






He proceeded to make an initial assessment test users participated in the study in order to identify the presence or absence of changes in different types of graphic user interfaces.

For 30 days, a pilot group of 20 individuals working with graphical user interface Ubuntu 12.04, while the control group of 20 individuals use Microsoft Windows 8 after experimental time averages, mean and median were compared; from data from the second test was constructed.

During 30 days of an experimental group of 200 individuals use the GUI 2/OS, designed from the observed data from the first test, while the control group of 200 individuals use graphical user interface Microsoft Windows 8, the end of the test time averages, mean and median were compared.


Data collection technique


Data were obtained using the scale of Raven's Progressive Matrices Test (2009), which consists of 60 matrices are ordered increasingly in difficulty, grouped into 5 different series, and is applied in populations aged 12 to 65 years . Consisting of a manual process; a booklet with five sets of matrices with the letters "A, B, C, D, and E", each with 12 matrices numbered 1 to 12; protocol test or answer sheet has three parts.




Since data are related to the adaptive capacities of users proceeded at first to identify the presence or absence of changes in the general intelligence factor for learning new graphical user interfaces.

In the first experiment the experimental group was stimulated with the use of the Graphical User Interface Linux Ubuntu 12.04, the data achieved by the subjects of this group in the pretest and posttest are reflected in Table 1. And the data obtained in the pretest and posttest for the control subjects to use graphical user interface Microsoft Windows 8 are reflected in Table 2.

It was observed that the control group during the pretest development an average of 71 points, a trendy 75 points and an average of 75 points with a variance of 174 and a standard deviation of the square root of 13.19 while during the post test presented an average of 71.5 points, a 75-point fashion, and a median of 75 points, with values ​​of variance of 135.25 with a standard deviation of 11.63 square root.

These data demonstrate that the control group received a percentile increase in its general factor of intelligence in the second take the test, keeping the value of 75 points in both test shots as the highest incidence.

However, in the experimental group during the pretest decision I present an average of 78 points, 75 points and fashion median 75 points, with a variance of 141 and a standard deviation of the square root of 11.87. While in the post test I present an average of 75 points, a trendy 75 points, and a median of 75 points, with a variance of 150 and a standard deviation of the square root of 12.24.

The data demonstrate that the experimental group presented a percentile decrease in their general factor of intelligence in the second take the test, but kept the value of 75 points in both test shots as the highest incidence.

During the second experiment, the experimental group was stimulated with the use of graphical user interface 2/OS, the data achieved by the subjects of this group in the pretest and posttest are reflected in Table 3 and the data obtained in pretest and posttest by control subjects who use graphical user interface Microsoft Windows 8 are reflected in Table 4.

It was observed that the control group during the pretest development averaging 72 points, a trendy 75 points and an average of 75 points with a variance of 203.79 and a standard deviation of the square root of 14.28 while during the post test I present an average of 72 points, a trendy 75 points, and a median of 75 points, with values ​​of variance of 191.11 with a standard deviation of the square root of 13.82.

These data demonstrate that the control group received a percentile increase in its general factor of intelligence in the second take the test, keeping the value of 75 points in both test shots as the highest incidence.

However, in the experimental group during the pretest decision I present an average of 77 points, 75 points and fashion median 75 points, with a variance of 205.04 and a standard deviation of the square root of 14, 32. While in the post-test I present an average of 83 points, a 75-point fashion, and a median of 75 points, with a variance of 192.33 and a standard deviation of square root of 13.87.

The data demonstrate that the experimental group presented a marked increase in their percentile general factor of intelligence in the second take the test, but kept the value of 75 points in both test shots as the highest incidence.




Pre Test

Post Test













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Table 1. Scores achieved by the experimental group



Pre Test

Post Test













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Table 2. Scores achieved by the control group





Pre Test

Post Test













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Table 3. Scores achieved by the experimental group using 2/OS



Pre Test

Post Test













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Table 4. Scores achieved by the control group using Windows 8




This research investigates the psychological impact of graphical user interfaces. That is why the focus here is focused on the relationship between the general factor of intelligence and the use of graphical user interfaces.

Having conducted the research with respect to one of the specific qualitative objectives, which was to "describe the impact that graphical user interfaces in general intelligence factor" is concluded that subjects interacting with a graphical user interface should make new a learning process through several hours of research and interaction with the computer. It was noted that some experimental subjects seeking online information related to system performance and other third parties consulted. Users who did not change their GUI and continued using Windows, did not present new learning. Therefore showed no adverse changes in general intelligence factor, whereas the experimental group presented an increase of the average general intelligence factor group. It could be inferred that new learning causes a shift of prior learning, thereby affecting the ability of general factor dependent intelligence. However other aspects that affected the performance and learning ability of the subjects, with the same "technological problems" that somehow acted as a motivator for finding solutions, making the experimental subjects investigated were presented ways to fix faults, unlike the control group, which remained without conducting research. Perhaps this will be a major turning point, because the time allocated for research was higher in the experimental group and almost zero in the control group. Spearman (1904) argued that training and psychological ejercitamiento could eventually generate changes in the general intelligence factor, a situation that was observed in this experiment. However in the first experiment, the experimental group use Linux Ubuntu, lower values ​​were obtained, although it is possible to say that a mental overwork could affect in any way the development of the general factor of intelligence in adolescents as Huguenard states (1997). Because Ubuntu Linux interface is very different from the known to the user, causing a blockage of care. This situation was not observed in the second experiment in the experimental group who use graphical user interface 2 / OS, because it respects certain values ​​associated with visual graphics Microsoft Windows.

Another specific objectives in this quantitative case was "Differentiating the mean scores obtained in the general scale and advanced control and experimental group" from the results of the administration of the overall scale and advanced in the experimental group. A statistical increase in the group mean was observed, whereas in the control group to the detriment of the statistical mean of the group was observed, demonstrating a possible effect relationship between the use of the graphical user interface and the mean scores on the scale General and advanced test Raven.

Regarding the quantitative specific objective "compare the mean scores on the overall scale of the control and experimental group", it was determined that from the results of the second experiment in the experimental group in the administration of the General Scale and Raven in comparison with those obtained in the classification held at the instance of pre and post test, the average for the age group forty-two to sixty-five years is significantly lower than the group of eighteen to forty-one years in both scales. This situation can occur due to multiple factors, from cognitive development to time spent learning the visual interface, this advanced age in the older group, where this presents a small decline in cognitive ability.

But remember many researches have shown that if the same subject is administered the previous version and the current version of the same test, the second gets a lower score, ie the score criteria progressively become more demanding as Huguenard (1997) states.

Even if we consider the theories of vicarious learning (or copy), you can learn by trial and error, plus copy, so the second time you perform the same test should be an increase or maintenance of the general factor of intelligence. Except that there are other factors that generate factor undermining the overall intelligence, they could be under psychological conceptualization, such as the stress that produces a new environment file to a subject, who must initially adjust, to learn. Generating an anxiogenic situation that can be lived so terrible from a teenage psyche, already in itself is going through a series of changes which makes it very volatile.

Now the work of Flynn, on the steady increase of the absolute values ​​in all major tests, could be considered the phenomenon from asserting that general intelligence is not increased, but rather some performances of it, which is why some tests such as Raven can detect changes detailed g factor with respect to the elicitation induction correlates and concepts. Also there you consider that each generation has new capabilities to understand reality graphics and multimedia, because since young are immersed in that world, then by presenting a graph of different user interface, a change is not obtained in the general factor intelligence, but rather an adaptation that has a transient psychic cost occurs.

The control group in the second experiment presented their results of the overall scale and advanced to the age group forty-two to sixty-five years resulted slightly lower than the group eighteen to forty-one years in both scales. Therefore it can be said that there was a significant detriment of raw scores actually an average value was maintained in the absence of direct visual stimulus, since they used the same interface to which were used.

Therefore the stimulation generated by the GUI could have had a relationship with the variations observed in the experimental group.

Responding to the quantitative overall target, "will determine whether the daily use of the graphical user interface 2/OS generates changes in the general factor of intelligence users." Concluded that from the data evaluated by Raven Test, one can say that there is a relationship between the everyday use of 2 / OS and the production of changes in the general factor of intelligence. Comparing the scores of the means obtained in the pretest and posttest of the experimental group and the control group was observed in the control group, no changes were made in the general factor of intelligence, while the experimental group presented a marked increase in raw scores percentile, demonstrating a relationship between the use of the experimental interface and the variation of the general intelligence factor of the experimental subjects.

Now answering "Knowing the difficulties that arise in the everyday use of new graphical user interfaces" qualitative overall goal. We conclude that from the data gathered from everyday use graphical user interface Linux Ubuntu version 12.04 and 2/OS would be an intervening factor in altering the post test results in the case of the experimental group appears to have influenced the increase in post test results.

From the interviews the subjects in the experimental group emerged as impact factor on learning factor negative saturation by the need to consult thoroughly and varied information to try to learn to use the graphical user interface provided by Linux Ubuntu 12.04 by limitations technology that features a new interface. This quest for information took a long time to the experimental group produced a glut of knowledge that can not be processed affected the outcome of the use of the use of Linux. Another difficulty am working on learning to use Linux Ubuntu 12.04 were the problems related to the use of peripheral printing and poor access to the Internet. Secondly, other problems such as understanding the GUI (desktop), which is vastly different to that provided by Windows arise. This implies a drastic change to the user, who must adapt to a new system, creating a new learning process, where you must "lose" other learning momentarily to set the new interface concept as stated Huguenard (1997).

It would therefore be reliably say that depending on the results of the second experiment in the experimental group, the values ​​obtained quantitatively show that upon stimulation of a graphical user interface designed according to the user is possible to demonstrate a direct increase in the overall factor intelligence, thus encouraging good development of intelligence and psychological health. Avoiding saturation by learning and adapting to new information and technological tools.






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